Premium quality
Hergestellt in Deutschland
Natural ingredients
developed by doctors

Our best-selling longevity supplements

Good for a strong immune system


Ingredients: Indisches Lungenkraut, Andrographiskraut, Basilikum, Süßholzwurzel, Kurkuma, Piperin, Zyperngras, Thymian, Ingwer, Pfefferminze, Zink, Vitamine


Good for a restful sleep


Ingredients: Gaba, Passionsblume, Baldrianwurzel, Zitronenmelissen, Vitamine


Good for the musculoskeletal system

PUR4 Detox

Ingredients: Kurkuma, Piperin, Boswellia, Artischockenpulver, Triphala, Brokkolipulver, Spirulina, Chlorella, Vitamine


Good against premature aging


Ingredients: Nicotinamid Mononukleotid (NMN), Coenzym Q10, Resveratrol, Spermidin (Weizenkeim), Ginkgo-Biloba, Maca, Taiga, Ashwagandha

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Our Story

The Pur4 Story

Finding the right nutritional supplements can be frustrating. Unclear ingredients and confusing labels often raise doubts and lead to overwhelm. At Pur 4, we have therefore set ourselves the goal of making it easier to find the right supplements that are tailored to individual needs.

Founder image

Sophie & Tobias

Dr. Sophie Speiser & Tobias Burkhart


The PUR4® promise


Based on the latest research


Sustainably and with the highest quality manufactured in Germany


Each product is tested in Germany for safety and effectiveness


Our products support body, mind and soul for your well-being

Our expertise for your health

The PUR4 health guide provides you with valuable information, tips and tricks on the topics of health, nutrition and dietary supplements. A must for anyone who wants to improve their quality of life and strives for a healthier lifestyle.

To the health guide
  • Dr. Hans Schaeffler

    Dr. Hans Schäffler advises in the field of holistic health and designs our formulations to support general well-being.

  • Dr. Sophie Speiser

    Dr. Sophie Speiser heads product development at PUR4 Supplements and ensures the highest standards of quality and effectiveness.

Our philosophy

Our Longevity Supplements & your health on a new level.

We select only the highest quality ingredients in easily absorbed and bioavailable formats. We don't try to save money by using cheaper or fewer ingredients - our goal is to create the best possible longevity supplements. Every ingredient is recommended by doctors, clinically tested, backed by research and third-party tested for purity.

Learn more
Primary ingredient image Secondary ingredient image

Pure & hochwertige Inhaltsstoffe

Jede Zutat wird aufgrund ihrer Reinheit, Wirksamkeit und nachgewiesenen Vorteile ausgewählt.



Kurkuma wird traditionell zur Unterstützung der Verdauung und bei Gelenkbeschwerden verwendet. Seine entzündungshemmenden und antioxidativen Eigenschaften machen es beliebt bei Beschwerden im Magen-Darm-Bereich.



Piperin, der aktive Wirkstoff in schwarzem Pfeffer, verbessert die Bioverfügbarkeit von Nährstoffen und kann die Aufnahme von Kurkuma fördern. Es wird zudem als verdauungsfördernd und antioxidativ angesehen.



Boswellia-Serrata, bekannt als Weihrauchextrakt, wird traditionell bei Gelenkbeschwerden und Entzündungen eingesetzt. Es fördert die Beweglichkeit und unterstützt die Gesundheit von Gelenken und Knochen.



Maca wird traditionell zur Steigerung von Energie, Ausdauer und Libido verwendet. Es kann zudem das hormonelle Gleichgewicht unterstützen und bei Stress sowie Erschöpfung positiv wirken.



Ginseng wird traditionell zur Förderung von Vitalität, geistiger Leistungsfähigkeit und Stressresistenz eingesetzt. Es kann zudem das Immunsystem stärken und die körperliche Ausdauer unterstützen.

Indisches Lungenkraut

Indisches Lungenkraut

Indisches Lungenkraut wird traditionell zur Unterstützung der Atemwege verwendet. Es kann Husten lindern und die Lungenfunktion fördern, indem es schleimlösend und entzündungshemmend wirkt.



Nicotinamid Mononukleotid (NMN) wird als Anti-Aging-Wirkstoff eingesetzt, da es die Zellenergie fördert und den NAD+-Spiegel erhöht. Es unterstützt die Zellregeneration und kann altersbedingten Abbauprozessen entgegenwirken.

Coenzym Q10

Coenzym Q10

Coenzym Q10 unterstützt die Energieproduktion in den Zellen und wirkt als starkes Antioxidans. Es fördert die Herzgesundheit, verbessert die Ausdauer und kann bei altersbedingtem Energiemangel helfen.



Myrrhe wird traditionell zur Unterstützung der Verdauung und bei entzündlichen Erkrankungen eingesetzt. Sie wirkt entzündungshemmend, antiseptisch und kann die Wundheilung fördern.



Passionsblumen-Extrakt wird traditionell bei Unruhe, Stress und Schlafstörungen eingesetzt. Es fördert Entspannung, wirkt beruhigend und kann die Schlafqualität verbessern, ohne zu sedieren.



Baldrianwurzel-Extrakt wird traditionell bei Schlafstörungen und Nervosität eingesetzt. Es wirkt beruhigend, fördert einen natürlichen Schlaf und hilft bei der Linderung von Stress und Anspannung.



Zitronenmelissen-Extrakt wirkt beruhigend und entspannend. Es wird traditionell bei Nervosität, Schlafstörungen und Magen-Darm-Beschwerden eingesetzt und fördert zudem das allgemeine Wohlbefinden.

FAQs about dietary supplements

Which longevity supplements are most effective according to studies?

Which longevity supplements in the form of
We have no scientific evidence to support the idea that combination preparations are the most effective.
Studies are known. Studies only exist for individual active ingredients.
Single active ingredients whose effectiveness in terms of longevity has been scientifically
The following are considered confirmed:


  • antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, thereby possibly slowing down aging processes
  • Increase in the activity of sirtuins, thereby possibly longer lifespan

Source: Baur, JA, et al. (2006). "Resveratrol improves health and
Survival of mice on a high-calorie diet." Nature , 444(7117), 337-342.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)

  • improving metabolic health
  • promoting cell regeneration

Source: Imai, SI, & Guarente, L. (2014). "NAD+ and sirtuins in
aging and disease." Trends in Cell
Biology , 24(8), 464-471.


  • reducing inflammation
  • reduction of oxidative stress
  • Evidence of positive effects on health in old age.

Source: Liao, W., et al. (2018). "Curcumin improves aging-related
metabolic dysfunctions and extends life span in a Drosophila model." Aging Cell , 17(1), e12672.

coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

  • improving heart health
  • improving muscle strength
  • Improving cognitive function in old age

Source: Gille, L., et al. (2015). “The
role of CoQ10 in cellular energy metabolism." Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience , 7, 43.

What are longevity supplements and how do they work?

Longevity supplements are dietary supplements that aim to increase life expectancy and prevent typical diseases in old age.

What ingredients should be included in the best longevity supplements?

Longevity is a very broad term. Everyone has to deal with different signs of aging, which is why we have developed various longevity supplements with different ingredients: for women, for men, for intestinal health or for improved energy supply. This means that everyone can find the ideal nutritional supplement for their individual constitution.

Can longevity supplements really prolong life?

Yes. Whether this is really the case depends on the choice, composition, quality and dosage of the ingredients. This is precisely why we at PUR4 work with doctors when developing our longevity supplements: to develop the best possible product. However, there is no guarantee of a longer life, even with longevity supplements.

Are Longevity Supplements Safe for Daily Use?

As long as you follow the consumption recommendations on the packaging, you can safely take our Longevity every day. However, if you are unsure about doing so, it is best to speak to your doctor before starting to take it.

Are there any interactions between Longevity Supplements and other medications?

In principle, it cannot be ruled out that interactions may occur between Longevity Supplements and medications. If you are taking Longevity Supplements tablets at the time you plan to start taking them, it is best to consult your doctor before taking them.

When is the best time to take longevity supplements?

It is best to consider which of your daily routines fits in with taking your Longevity Supplements. This is also the best time to take them. However, this only applies as long as a different dosage schedule is not explicitly stated on the packaging. In this case, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Which longevity supplements are particularly recommended for older people?

As far as the PUR4 product family is concerned, all longevity supplements are suitable for older people. In our opinion, the PUR4 LONGEVITY BOOSTER (longevity, cognitive abilities), the PUR4 ACTIVE MOBILISER (cooking & joints) and PUR4 MITOPOWER (energy) are particularly recommended for older people.
Basically, it depends on what problems you are struggling with. The one of our longevity supplements that is designed to solve your problem is the right one for you.

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